Saturday, November 1, 2008

What's a Comtuter Bar??

O.K., I told you more on the fun translations. This is a shop sign on my way to KIA. The 'New Continent Comtuter Bar.' I wonder if it is a place you can come to when you have gas? Come-toot-er??? I think it is actually a place to use a COM-PU-TER!! I saw a clothing store with the sign name: 'Odd and Peculiar', which doesn't exactly make me want to run in and buy their clothes!!

What Can You Carry on a Bicycle?

Well, you would be surprised at all the cool things that you could transport on the back of a bike. Yes, that is a full size sofa!!! The Chinese are experts at balancing anything on a bicycle. Here in Kunming I have seen so many things carried on the back of bikes: people of all sorts (babies strapped on their mother's backs), chairs, washing machines, TV's, glass vendor cases, stacks of mops, piles of baskets, etc., etc. It's amazing to see the heavy loads. But, the best thing to see is the meat on bikes. You'll see two whole sides of pork with the legs dangling and flopping off the back. It takes two long spikes on the bike to hold the pig halves in place securely. Meat on wheels going to market is a gas to see!! ( I'll get a photo soon on this!!) The Chinese have had a long time marriage with the bicycle and it has been a big part of transportation here for many years. It almost seems too sad to see the change to cars happening so quickly now.