Saturday, April 19, 2008

Powered by Pooh and Piflet????

Bad translations into English here in China keep ex-pats with a smile on their faces! This one, "Powered by Pooh and Piflet" is written across the hood of the cutest little yellow compact car parked in my courtyard. Every time I pass it on my way out in the morning to hail a cab, I have to grin. There are cutsey pictures of Pooh and Piglet painted on the car around the sides too. Chinese definitely go in for 'cute.' One of my favorite bad translations is on a billboard on my way to school. It is advertising a clothing manufacturer. A handsome western man in a suit looks down from the sign. He is GQ all the way and it says, "Cohesion of charm and crosscurrent of material apetency providing you with a sense of cleamness." That's it letter for letter....say what???!!! And who the heck is 'Piflet???' So, more on bad translations to come later. I get a kick out of them.

1 comment:

Abby said...

I remember seeing some good ones while I was visiting. Remember that one that you and dad took a picture next to?