Saturday, April 26, 2008

Favorite Chinese Game

Mahjong is a favorite pass time for Chinese people. You can walk by many a game being played right out in the streets. It takes four people and many times it is played for money. They will take time to relax and play a game during any given day. You can see many an impromptu game started all around Kunming. Or you pass many Mahjong game parlors. I am actually learning to play Mahjong too, thanks to my Chinese co-worker, Ben. He has the patience to teach the foreign staff how to play, bless his heart. While my sister Robby lived here, she bought her own Mahjong game set of tiles. It is really heavy and I'm crazy enough to carry it back home for her this summer! It is not too hard to learn the game of Mahjong, although I would get creamed if I ever played for money like the Chinese. It's fun! Play on!!

1 comment:

Abby said...

I loved this about the Chinese. I loved that they would take a break from their day to sit and play this game. American's could probably learn a thing or two from the Chinese in this area.